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What is aircraft asset management?

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Aircraft asset management is often a programmatic method of proactively managing the parts, services, and fees involved in preserving one or far more aircraft across each and every aircraft’s beneficial life, from initial acquisition to final disposition. Get more information about Aircraft valuation

It's particularly helpful when used as part of an operator's ongoing connection with an MRO companion. Ideally, the program is customized to match the management structure on the owner of the aircraft(s) - an airline, as an example - to ensure smooth integration with their systems.

Sustaining an aircraft across its effective lifespan is an costly undertaking below any situations - especially a sizable commercial aircraft. And if an airline has a whole fleet of airliners to maintain airworthy, the require for shrewd, orderly management on the upkeep assets becomes paramount.

The general objective of aircraft asset management should be to reduce ownership charges, upgrade aircraft efficiency, extend aircraft service life, and to supply extra accounting flexibility, which includes altering capital expenditures into easier-to-manage operating fees. In addition, it has the benefit enhancing aircraft safety through part tracking and verification, at the same time as guarding aircraft residual values.